For an extra entry, tell me about your first kiss!
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For an extra entry, tell me about your first kiss in the comments, be sure to leave an email or twitter address!
Hi! well my english isn't very fluid but maybe something 'unusual' about my first kiss is that it was with my acctual husband :) he was my first boyfriend and now we're married for almost 13 years :)
sra_de_romero (at)
I have a sad first kiss story...I was 12 years old, never been kissed before, and on a band trip from San Diego to Disneyland (where we performed, and stayed overnight). On the train up to LA, I sat next to a boy that I had a HUGE crush on. We laughed and talked for a while on the ride up, and then his friend dared him to kiss me. And he did. It was just a peck, but for me it lasted eons, and I saw explosions of fireworks behind my closed eyes, and felt a glorious new rush of emotions flood my body. It was overwhelming. I HAD to let it out. So, after he broke off the kiss and looked away, I turned toward the window, grinned like an idiot, and drew little tiny hearts in the air with my fingers. Well, his friend saw me do that and started mocking me. And then my first kiss joined in the mocking, and proceeded to ignore me the entire rest of the weekend. After the trip, I asked him out, but he rejected me, saying he had a thing for my best friend and asking me to fix him up with her instead. So while the kiss was amazing in it's newness, my own naive trusting caused me to end up with a year of heartbreak over it.
ReplyDeleteMy first kiss was with my current boyfriend. We've been together for 9 years. I was wearing braces then and I was feeling really awkward but it was really nice :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway!
My first kiss was with my husband a few years before we got married. We were on the Riverwalk in the park. An older couple came along and 'oohed' and 'ahhed' embarrassing me to death.
ReplyDeleteThank for the giveaway opportunity.
I kissed by suprized by a boy in pre kindergarden. I though all boys were gross and icky, so I push him and wiped that kiss off! lol I was a very spirited girl!
No first kiss yet! Saving it up for someone special:) thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMy first real kiss was wet & horrible. The second was better.
My first kiss was a stolen kiss. I don't remember my exact age ( probably in the 3rd grade) a boy I knew came over to play. He stole a kiss as we played Star Wars none the I hadn't thought about this in a long time. Thanks for the giveaway.
My fist kiss was in the 4th grade, and it was awful because he slobbered.
I was 12 and a bunch of us were playing spin the bottle in the park....he was my crush and I was embarrassed!
ReplyDeleteMy first kiss was with the boy next door. He had asthma and trouble breathing but it was ok. My sister kissed the neighbor boy who lived on the OTHER side of our house. I wanted to be kissing HIM instead, lol. Years later I dated him for a while:)
ReplyDeletecc_clubbs at yahoo dot com
Can't fill out the form thingy- but I'm a twitter follower (@Shaynagier), Like on Facebook Shayna Gier, and goodreads follower- again, ShaynaGier. I'm so original!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, about that kiss...
I almost had my first kiss at like... 3 at a family reunion wherein all the girls lined up to kiss the sole boy... but when it was my turn the guy backed away and was like "uh-uh." so... I failed to be kissed at three. Always a fun story to tell though.
Now for my REAL first kiss. I had just gotten together with my first boyfriend in college, cause our best friends were dating and we were around each other constantly anyways. It was our first "off campus" date at the park, and we decided to play truth or dare to get to know one another- and I of course dared him to kiss me cause I'm silly like that.
Hey Shayna! I added you to the form!
ReplyDeleteBETH W.