
You'd have to have, like, a lentil for a soul to hate wiener dogs. ~Zuzana from The Daughter of Smoke & Bones by Laini Taylor

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Release Day Giveaway GUARDIAN by COURTNEY COLE @Court_Writes @InkSlingerPR

Guardian RDL Banner  

Sometimes the things that go bump in the night are real. 

Happy birthday to me. 
 I close my eyes and burrow into my pillow as I try to sleep, as I try to escape this life. 
It’s a life I never thought I’d have, a life I most certainly don’t want. 
I’m still feeling sorry for myself as the blackness of sleep finally overtakes me. 
I don’t know what time it is when I shoot straight upward like a rocket.  Something had yanked me from the oblivion of sleep, something loud and shrill scraping my window.
My room is completely dark and I glanceat my clock in confusion. 
3:00 a.m.
As my heart pounds hard against my ribcage, I quickly scan every corner of the room.
 In the last few hours, dark shadows had migrated onto my pink walls, but they’re familiar, nothing out of the ordinary, although in the night, they seem twisted and scary.  
I remain motionless as I allow the sleep-induced fog to clear from my brain.
As I sit, I feel common sense and logic slowly returning.
Of course nothing had touched my window because my bedroom is on the second floor. Nothing can reach it.  And there are no trees near enough to brush against it.  It was just a dream.
It was only a dream.
I chant it silently to myself like a mantra as I consciously slow my breathing down, hoping that my racing pulse will soon follow. It was only a dream.
But just as I’m calming down, I hear it again.
A high-pitched shrill shriek, reminiscent of fingernails on a chalkboard, scraping down my window. I gasp and pull my feet up to my chest, which is when I notice the temperature. 
I notice because I can see my breath.
Timidly, I blow a puff out again, watching the way my breath turns white in the air. 
Holy crap.  Oh my God. 
What the hell?
The sound stops and stillness surrounds me once again, the silence so loud that it echoes in my ear.
Nothing moves around me, the shadows are perfectly still as they twist across my wall.  They look like mangled fingers and arms and legs, but they don’t move. 
My legs are weak and shaking, but I know I have to move.   I have to move off my bed because it feels like something is under it.  Something terrifying. 
With a leap, I bound across the room, my feet hitting the floor several feet away from the edge of my bed. 
The floor is ice cold, as though it had been covered in a blanket of snow. 
I’m trembling as I race to the far wall and check the thermostat.  Because that’s the only explanation.  I must’ve bumped it earlier, I must’ve turned the AC way down. 
But the luminous numbers stare at me in contradiction. 
74 degrees. 
It must be broken.  It has to be broken.
My breath is coming in pants now, terrified, anxious pants. 
My fear isn’t logical.  I know there’s nothing here.  I’m the only one in this room. 
Or am I?
The air seems to push at me from all around, something dark, something heavy, something real.  Something unseen. 
My fingers shake, my legs tremble, and then all of a sudden, they can no longer support my weight.  I go down like a pile of bricks, collapsing onto the floor.  I lie still because I can’t move, because something seems to sit on my chest, holding me down. 
The shadows start to move, to slither across the walls, to reach and pull and dance. 
I struggle to focus, to see what it is. 
But all I can see are the numbers on the thermostat suddenly moving, rapidly counting down from 74 to 20. 
Twenty degrees?
The air is frigid as I suck it in, as I try to pull the ice crystals into my mouth so I can breathe. 
All of a sudden, there’s a blackness in front of me.  It hovers over me, a shapeless mass, sucking in the cells of the air, the atoms and the molecules.  It’s darker than the blackness of my room, blacker than the blackest black. 
Something is here. 
With me. 
“Dad?” I whisper in a white puff.  Because what else could it be?
I reach out a finger to touch it, and then I can’t see anything else, because the darkness of it surrounds me, bleeding into everything else, even my vision.   The shriek is back, screaming into my ears, bleeding into my brain. 
Then there’s nothing.

We are absolutely over the moon excited about the Release Day Launch for Courtney Cole's GUARDIAN!!! GUARDIAN is a YA Paranormal Romance, and a book close to Courtney’s heart. Not only is this fabulous book back in a big way, it's Courtney's birthday! To celebrate all of the awesome she is making a few select titles only .99 TODAY ONLY! Grab them all and thank us later.


Barnes and Noble  ** Amazon **  iBooks ** Kobo

GUARDIAN Synopsis: Sometimes, things that go bump in the night are real. My name is Whitney Lane. I’m sixteen years old and at first, I thought I was crazy. I kept seeing shadows move along walls, and hearing whispers around corners, but whenever I looked, there was never anything there. Until one day, there was. Our world isn’t what we think. There are things around us, good things, bad things, scary things. Things that we tell ourselves aren’t real, but they are. They’re very real, and they’re terrifying. I’ve been swept up now, in a battle of good and evil, confused about love and what is supposed to be love, but isn’t. I don’t know what to think anymore. I can’t trust my emotions and I don’t know what is true. There’s only one thing I know for sure. Nothing is what it seems.  Guardian Available now

To celebrate the release of GUARDIAN and Courtney's birthday the following books are on sale for .99, today only!

Birthday book Sale Banner


 Courtney Cole is a novelist who would eat mythology for breakfast if she could. She has a degree in Business, but has since discovered that corporate America is not nearly as fun to live in as fictional worlds. She loves chocolate and roller coasters and hates waiting and rude people. Courtney lives in quiet suburbia, close to Lake Michigan, with her real-life Prince Charming, her ornery kids (there is a small chance that they get their orneriness from their mother) and a small domestic zoo.    

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

SIGN UPS NOW OPEN~! Banned Book Week Giveaway Hop!

Announcing the 4th Annual Banned Books Week Giveaway Hop
September 21st to 27th

This will run similar to the hops I usually host but will have a requirement that you give away a banned or challenged book or include information about Banned Book Week as part of your giveaway post.The dates for the hop are September 21st to 27th.
1. The Banned Books Week Giveaway Hop Images needs to be part of your post.
2. Include the linky list with all the participating blogs at the end of your post OR link to Bookhounds &; IAmAReader.com
3. You giveaway must be related to Banned Book Week – You can giveaway a book that has been banned or challenged or if you are giving away a gift card you must post some information about Banned Book Week.
4. Keep It Simple!! Keep the way to enter your giveaway as simple as possible. 1 Mandatory entry and no more than 5 optional extra entries. All entries must be able to be done on one visit to your blog – Entries such as tweet once a day are NOT allowed (tweeting once is fine).
You must turn off word verification/CAPTCHA if you are requiring more than one comment for entries – If you are concerned about spam then enable comment moderation. If you are using Rafflecopter you can only have 6 possible entries per person.
5. This must be a giveaway specifically for this hop and must run only the 7 days this hop is scheduled.
6. Keep your giveaway easy to find for the entire 7 days this hop is open.
7. Your blog needs to be “family friendly”.
To sign up to host a banned books week giveaway just add your blog or website to the linky below. Please include your shipping information after your blog name.  Mary from Bookhounds is running this hop so please email her with any questions, linky changes, etc. maryinhb @ gmail.com

Friday, August 22, 2014

$25 Giveaway Excerpt Spotlight THE TEEN WYTCHE SAGA by ARIELLA MOON @TooBusyReading #BlogTour

BookHounds YA is super excited to be a part of the wonderful Blog Tour for THE TEEN WYTCHE SAGA.  
I hope you enjoy the excerpt that the author has provided.  

Excerpt from Spell Fire, Book #3, The Teen Wytche Saga
I paused beneath the fern‑painted ceiling fan and scanned the wall menu. I wasn't sure what I was looking for, but a weird craving fueled my search.
The dragon exerted pressure between my shoulder blades, prompting me. "A Scorpion's Nest smoothie."
Morningstar leaned over the high counter and gave me a onceover. "You feeling okay?"
I licked my lips. "Absolutely." I had never tasted an orange juice, vanilla ice cream, and peanut butter combo, but I slapped the countertop and said, "I'm fine. Hit me."
Morningstar tilted her head to one side and studied me.
Oh — crap. Maybe I'm dragon drunk.

Teen Wytche Saga

The Teen Wytche Saga by Ariella Moon Think magic will solve your problems? Bring you love? Cure you? Protect you? Help you find someone who is lost? Think again. Magic tests friendships. It hisses, chirps, stinks up the room, backfires, and explodes. Magic forces you to make tough decisions. Shatter limitations. Discover your true self. When you use magic, expect results in the ultimate triple-un—unpredictable, uncontrollable, and so undeniable. And you thought navigating high school was tough.


Praise for the Teen Wytche Saga

Spell Check Cover Ariella
Spell Check
“Ms. Moon has crafted a spellbinding story. I was entranced within the first chapter,” Tifferz, 5-star Amazon Review “Spellcheck is a delightful teen romance about best friends, magic, and bad decisions.” Romancewriter, 5-Star Amazon Review   

A great read that kept me captive, I couldn't stop reading! Ariella Moon has created a piece of art! I can't wait for the next book!”
Jennifer Badgett, 5-Star Amazon Review   

Spell Struck 

Spell Struck Cover"A fantastic YA paranormal read, reminiscent of the film "Practical Magic"! Spell Struck combines quirky but fun teen characters dealing with new schools, romance, and family problems, with magic, and more serious topics like suicide and kidnapping." Sarah E. Bradley, InD’Tale Magazine 5 Stars, Crowned Heart for Excellence   

“The Teen Wytche Saga is a gripping series of books that combine otherworldly magick with the everyday struggles of growing up a teenager in America… Unexpected plot twists at every turn of the page grab you and hold on from start to finish.” Karyn Pickles, 5 Star Amazon Review  

 “I loved Spell Struck even more than I loved Spell Check!” Freddie, 5-Star Amazon Review   

Spell Fire CoverSpell Fire   

This book looked fun and magical from the start … I really want to go back and get the first and second book now and read the series from the beginning. Ariella has made me fall in love with the characters in the middle of the story. I also can not wait for the fourth installment.” Becca Wilson, 5-Star Amazon Review   

“Great cast of characters, diverse protagonist, fast-paced action and romance, and a touch of different types of regional magic all tied into a fantastic read. I would highly recommend these to any woman (no matter the age) looking for an uplifting paranormal romance!” Freddie, 5-Star Amazon Review   

I loved it!!! Absolutely loved it!!!... “Overall a great book and an awesome series... I would definitely recommend this book to all the fantasy and YA lovers and hope that you guys will love it as I did.” CUTEsatarupa, 5-Star Amazon Review 

ariella   Author Ariella Moon 

 Ariella Moon is the author of the Teen Wytche Saga, a sweet Young Adult paranormal series. Ariella writes about magic, friendship, high school, secrets, and love in Spell Check, Spell Struck, and Spell Fire from Astraea Press. Ariella spent her childhood searching for a magical wardrobe that would transport her to Narnia. Extreme math anxiety, and taller students who mistook her for a leaning post, marred her youth. Despite these horrors, she graduated summa cum laude from the University of California at Davis. Ariella is a Reiki Master, author, and shaman. She lives a nearly normal life with her extraordinary daughter, two shamelessly spoiled dogs, and an enormous dragon.  

Social Media Website Social Media Blog Social Media Facebook Social Media Goodreads
teen wytche saga tour
Tour Schedule
Blog Tour Giveaway 

 $25 Amazon 

Gift Card or Paypal Cash 

 Ends 9/7/14 

 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

$25 Giveaway Review FETCH by ADAM GLENDON SIDWELL @Evertaster @toobusyreading #BlogTour

Fetch Blog Tour


Source:  Author

My Thoughts:  Absoutely Loved It!

In the spirit of Go, Dog, Go!, kids should be capitivated by this adorable story about a magical place where all dogs come from and how they find a forever home.  The illustrations are wonderfully detailed and you can spend a lot of time exploring the images.  Although I didn't see a dachshund pictured, I would like to think there was one in spirit.  If you are looking for a book to give to a family of dog lovers, Fetch should be a winner.  

FetchFetch by Adam Glendon Sidwell   Book Summary:

A story for anyone who s ever been loved by a dog or given one a home.

At least nine sunsets away, there is a place where dogs can do what they want. But they are not all the same, and when a special one has the courage to fly, he finds something unexpected beyond the tenth horizon.  

Purchase your copy

AdamAuthor Adam Glendon Sidwell:

In between books, Adam Glendon Sidwell uses the power of computers to make monsters, robots and zombies come to life for blockbuster movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean, King Kong, Pacific Rim, Transformers and Tron. After spending countless hours in front of a keyboard meticulously adjusting tentacles, calibrating hydraulics, and brushing monkey fur, he is delighted at the prospect of modifying his creations with the flick of a few deftly placed adjectives. He really enjoyed writing 81,854 less words in his new picture book FETCH than he wrote in his first EVERTASTER novel, and hopes that you will like the ones he picked. Besides, FETCH has pictures.

Adam has also been rightfully accused of writing the upcoming novel CHUM.

Praise for the book:

“If you need & want a book for younger children that does not involve zombies, monsters, or overdone "superhero's", and just want a good old fashioned great story, perfect illustrations, and a captivating experience, then "Fetch" should be ordered quickly.”—Carol Anne Merrill Miller

“Simple, yet engaging, storyline appeals to readers of all ages and the illustrations glue your eyes to pages!” –Doodles

“The art work enchanted, enthralled, and grabbed me in ways paintings can and often do.” –Kindle Customer

Blog Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 

 Ends 9/13/14 

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Giveaway Interview CAN'T LOOK AWAY by DONNA COONER @donnacooner @this_is_teen @RockstarBkTours


1. What is the first book you remember reading by yourself as a child?

GO DOG GO by PD Eastman

2. What are you reading right now?

I am reading a fabulous manuscript by one of my critique partners, Katherine Longshore.

3. How does your garden grow?

rs, sage and daylilies.

4. What is the last thing you Googled?

Traumatic brain injury

5. What makes you cringe?

Flying tree roaches

About the Book

Author: Donna Cooner
Publisher: Point
Pub. Date: August 26, 2014
Donna Cooner establishes herself as our own Jodi Picoult in this timely tale of sisters, loss, and redemption.

Torrey Grey is famous. At least, on the internet. Thousands of people watch her popular videos on fashion and beauty. But when Torrey's sister is killed in an accident -- maybe because of Torrey and her videos -- Torrey's perfect world implodes.

Now, strangers online are bashing Torrey. And at her new school, she doesn't know who to trust. Is queen bee Blair only being sweet because of Torrey's internet infamy? What about Raylene, who is decidedly unpopular, but seems accepts Torrey for who she is? And then there's Luis, with his brooding dark eyes, whose family runs the local funeral home. Torrey finds herself drawn to Luis, and his fascinating stories about El dio de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead.

As the Day of the Dead draws near, Torrey will have to really look at her own feelings about death, and life, and everything in between. Can she learn to mourn her sister out of the public eye?

About Donna:
Donna Cooner was born and raised in Texas. She is a three time graduate of Texas A&M University. A former teacher and school administrator, she now teaches teachers and principals at Colorado State University where she is the director of the School of Teacher Education and Principal Preparation. She lives in Fort Collins, Colorado, with her two labs and a cat named Stu. She's a big fan of chocolate and laughing (not necessarily in that order).

Donna is the author of over twenty picture books and was a founding member of the Brazos Valley Society of Children's Bookwriters and Illustrators. She has also written children's television shows for PBS and textbooks for future teachers. SKINNY is her debut novel for young adults.

To contact Donna try:  
Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads

Giveaway Details:
5 Finished copies of CAN’T LOOK AWAY US Only.

Tour Schedule

Week One:
8/18/2014- Such a Novel IdeaInterview
8/19/2014- A Book and a LatteGuest Post
8/20/2014- The Book BellesReview
8/21/2014- BookHounds YA- Interview
8/22/2014-Fictitious Delicious- Review
Week Two:
8/25/2014- Shayna Varadeaux Books & ReviewsReview
8/26/2014- The Cover Contessa - Guest Post
8/27/2014-Katie's Book BlogReview
8/28/2014- Swoony Boys PodcastReview
8/29/2014- Tales of the Ravenous ReaderInterview

$50 Book Blast ANGELS CLUB by COURTNEY VAIL & SANDRA HOWELL @cvwriter @toobusyreading

angels clubAngels Club by Courtney Vail & Sandra J. Howell 

 Hola, Cuties! I’m Jacinda Gonzalez, almost twelve. Although I think I’m pretty nice, not to mention way cool and one of the most knowledgeable people in all things horse, I just can’t make any friends in my new school. The only things flying my way are totally rude insults. The horseback riding therapy farm where I volunteer becomes my perfect escape from mean bullies. And when Angel, a scrawny, muddy American Curly, shows up as rescue, no one but me can see her potential and lovableness, so I take her on as a project horse to get her ready for sale. But, the thing is, I don’t want them to sell her. She’d be so perfect for therapy. So perfect. Now, if only I could prove it. Anyway, Angel’s sugar-candy personality inspires me to be sweet in spite of bad things happening to me. So, of course, I can’t resist the urge to make the world a whole lot brighter. Come on in and see how I do it!  

Purchase your copy from
Book Trailer

Angels Club Website

CourtneyAuthor Courtney Vail 

 In addition to writing quirky, twisty books for teens and adults, Courtney works from home as a graphic designer and book formatter. She's married to a should-be-famous comedian and has three kids who make her house LOUD and messy and do things like turn her veggie garden into Jurassic Park, but she thoroughly loves her life. She's a member of Authors Selling Books in Western Mass. Courtney is a major sports junky and loves to run, visit amusement parks (and ride all the roller coasters first), skate, cook, and watch standup or anything that cracks her up or makes her heart race or neck tingle. Angels Club is her first novel for kids. It was a blast to write, so maybe her crazy brain and fancy purple pen will find a grand adventure next time.

Sandra  Author Sandra J. Howell 

Sandy is an avid horse enthusiast and was the first breeder in Massachusetts of the rare American Bashkir Curly horse. Her lifelong passion for Curly horses led her to write two Equine novels, Spirit of a Rare Breed and Saving GiGi. Howell, a college professor, has been a contributing writer, featuring the American Bashkir Curly horse, for Equine journals and magazines. She has been featured on television, radio talk shows and news media, and has received numerous letters from Native Americans thanking her for promoting and advocating for their favored steed. Howell is a founding member of Authors Selling Books of Western Mass and is a member of the Independent Publishers of New England. Her novels are showcased at the New England Equine Affaire and promoted through many Equine organizations.

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Book Blast Giveaway 

 $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 

 Ends 9/15/14 

 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Welcome to the 


August 20th  to August 27th Hosted by  BookHounds  &     IAmAReader 

There are a bunch of blogs participating in this one so be sure to stop by each one. Each has their own entry rules and geographic limits, so be sure to read the rules for each one.  This hop starts August 20th and ends August 27th,  midnight. 



Ends 8/27/14 

Open to anyone with a US mailing address, PO Boxes OK!
Open only to those who can legally enter
Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary.
You must be 13 or older to enter .
The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified.
The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning.
Giveaway was organized by BookHounds and sponsored by me.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

$50 Giveaway GUARDIANS: THE GIRL by LOLA StVil @Guardiansgirl @toobusyreading

GuardiansGuardians: The Girl by Lola StVil


“I heard this guy say once that he thought if he said ‘no’ to doing drugs then the fight was over. But it turns out he had to say ‘no’ each and every day. I didn’t get it until I met you. When I first fell for you, I said ‘no’ to it. Then the next day the feeling came back. Now every single day, I have to say ‘no’ to being with you.”


"This book shows a whole other side of angels the good, the bad, and the ugly. Each character has their own story or "core" . This is only the beginning. Where can I find the second book?" ~Maya Twitty

"Could not put it down!!" ~Misty

"I didn't actually chose this book on purpose but I got it because it was free. After reading the first chapter I was hooked...and devastated. How could you let that happen Lola? I definitely recommend that you read this book...with a box of tissues." ~Amazon Review

******OVER 450 FIVE STAR REVIEWS!*******
Sitting there in the car, a part of me bitterly resented what she was doing to me. I knew it wasn’t her fault. But does she have to be so... alluring? I need to focus on something else besides the spot between her earlobe and neck. It looked so soft. Her lips were slightly parted as she looked out the window. I wanted to part them further with mine. I put both my hands on the steering wheel. I could not allow myself to let go until she was out of the car. Suddenly she leaned in and kissed me. It was far better than I could even begin to explain to you. I've fought and died a slow and painful death on earth. And nothing, NOTHING can compare to how hard it was for me to pull away from her lips. I don't think any angel could to do it twice in a lifetime...


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  Lola S Author Lola StVil  

Lola was seven when she first came to this country from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She attended Columbia College in Chicago, where her main focus was creative writing. In addition to plays, she also writes screenplays and short stories.

She has been commissioned to write for ABC, CBS and Princeton University. She won the NAACP award for her play "The Bones of Lesser Men". In addition to being nominated for LA Weekly awards. Her work has also received positive reviews from The LA Times, Variety and LA Weekly. This is her first novel.


book blast button
Book Blast Giveaway

  $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash  

Ends 9/7/14  

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.  


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