About the Author:
Ron C. Nieto is a fantasy and romance author who has been writing in her secluded fortress for the longest time. Recently, she had a talk with her cat and decided that she should share her creations, because it was selfish to hoard them all for herself.If you would like to know more about her, please visit her website.
The princess of the school, Alice, is keeping a secret that could strip her of her high school fame. She is obsessed with the school’s outcast, Keith, but not just him – his music.
Since the inspiration for the song hit, Keith can’t get it out of his mind. The song must be played; it demands to be played. He knows the music is changing him, but he is unable to stop it.
Music has the ability to move you, enlighten you, and take you to places you have never dreamed of. And this particular piece? It has a life of its own and makes you forget who you really are.
As Keith and Alice learn of one another to the notes of that one perfect tune, they can overlook their roles and discover who they could be together. But they also discover someone else is listening and intends on keeping Keith to herself, possibly for an eternity.

1. What is the first book you remember reading by yourself as a child?
Boy... is this a hard question. I started reading with my mom really soon, and the transition to doing it by myself was quite smooth so I can’t recall the exact title. I do recall that one of the earliest books (series, actually) I read was The Little Vampire, by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg. I still have the whole series shelved! While I think it was rated for kids age 10, I went through it in summer when I was 6 years old. I didn’t mean I read the one book, though—I went through the whole 16 titles in the series. It marked me? I’m sure it did. Did it influence what I’d read in following years and even now? Oh, yes. Does it influence what I write? That’s for my readers to know, I guess.
2. What are you reading right now?
Before I Wake, by Rachel Vincent (it’s actually an audiobook, but it still counts, right?), Building from Ashes by Elizabeth Hunter (that’s an eBook) and King of Thorns (that’s the print). That actually says a lot about my reading: I’m always combining something popular with something indie, something light and fast with something... else. My currently-reading list changes weekly, in any case, and it’s pretty eclectic.
3. How does your garden grow?
Erm. This is a trick question I’m completely missing the point of, right? But, to answer literally: I don’t have a garden, since I live in an apartment. I love plants (especially roses... I bet you hadn’t figured that one out!) but I don’t have much patience to care for them—I spend too much time inside my own head to remember watering! Pets are different, because they actually remind me to come out and eat from time to time (laughs) but the poor plants never stood a chance.
4. What is the last thing you Googled?
At the risk of sounding really self-centered: it was my own book trailer, to make sure it was properly listed and all. But, really, I Google a lot. I’m a firm believer in not bothering to store the info myself when I can just type a few words and find anything I need. I Google books I like, CSS and design tips, research stuff for my novels, research stuff for my job, the weather, what they’ll be showing in TV tonight, what gives at my favorite cinemas... You name it!
5. What makes you cringe?
Spiders. They don’t just make me cringe: they make me scream my lungs out and run for the hills. Ghosts also scare me (which is pretty funny, given) more than normal psychos do. In other cringe-y departments, I have several pet peeves that won’t be named regarding books and music, since those are the most important things in my life. Other than that... I’m a pretty cringe-free person! :)